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Thursday 13 June 2013

Himalayan Yew will boost the economy of Himalaya region

Himalayan Yew which is known as "Thuner " in local language will be a good source to boost Himalayan economy if there is a proper policy to conserve,cultivate and research based  medicinal uses should be promoted in this region.
As in latin it is known as Taxus baccata is somewhat similar to pine tree found in a altitude between 2500-3500 meter.Slow growing plant medium sized of 1.5 to 8 meter height.Stem is fluted and crown spreading,greenish soft and  Bark is of cork like .Flowers are usually deciduous.Seeds are compressed wingles, olive green, enveloped by a soft-fleshy coloured arillus, testa, woody, cotyledons. The  Chemical used in Chemotherapy is  "Taxol" which is  isolated from the bark and leaf of the tree  very effective against certain forms of cancers, particularly breast, ovarian and lung cancer. The plant though poisonous, is of great medicinal value. A medicinal tincture made from young shoots has long been in use for the treatment of headache, giddiness, feeble and falling pulse along with diarrhoea .In Ayurveda the plant is mentioned as "Taalishpatra".
This Plant is used in Ayurvedic and Tibbetan Medicine and specially the  tribal community in Kumaoun and Grahwal Himalaya prepare a medicinal Tea from this.  Taxus  baccata  is also a source of the chemical precursors to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Himalayan Yew is used in traditional medicine which has its roots in prehistoric times and which uses soil, herbs and the roots and bark as well as other parts of trees to cure illnesses, along with ‘magic’ rites.In Ayurvedic texts it is also proved as a good medicine for various ailments.In approx. one acre of land the aprrox half Kg of Taxol should be extracted from its leaves which costs approximately three to four crore rupees  in interntional market.Peoples of this region still uses the leaves of thuner for local application in breast cancer.The need is to make a proper policy at govt.level which includes systemetic and legal  export and promotion and preservation of this plant  which will be  a source of good revenue in Himalyan region.
Dr Navin Joshi

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