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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Balanced Diets By Carol Harblin

Different cultures see a balanced meal in their own ways. One of the special aspects of Ayurveda is that a balanced meal encompasses the six tastes. 
The six tastes satiate the appetite as well as the taste buds. Sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astringent, and bitter are the six tastes that we should implement into our daily diets. 
Several North Americans/Westerners only implement the sweet, sour, and salty tastes. When you only consume just a few tastes, you end up craving other food and have an insatiable appetite. This begins the overeating habit. 
Some homes see a balanced meal as having bread on the table. Others see wine or some kind of meat presented at the dinner hour. 
Balancing a meal isn't necessarily a particular food, but a combination of spices. Many people associate the word "spices" with being spicy. This is not the case. Coriander or turmeric are not spicy, but are in fact considered spices.
How are you balancing your meals? What do you put into your cooking? 
We have to become aware of our bodies and how are bodies react to what we consume. 
We have to consider our dosha type when we cook with different spices also. A pitta person has to be careful with the pungent foods and spices so that they do not become imbalanced. 
Balancing of spices and balancing of doshas is key to a balanced lifestyle. 
What's the spice in your cooking today?

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