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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Cooling off Pitta By Carol Harblin

Summer time is a season for fruits and vegetables. We gravitate towards the cooling foods during this pitta dominant month. 

What fruits are tridoshic? Which foods won’t throw the balance off of kapha? 

In general, fruit is very vata, and is the nature of vata. 
It is never encouraged to consume foods that are oily or heavy during the pitta summer months. 
Foods that are fried are not encouraged on any healthy diet plan anyway. To consume alcoholic beverages and a lot of meat (i.e. beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, duck) are very heavy and can make the body much warmer. These foods are more common in colder climates such as northern Europe, UK, and North America.
Drinking aloe vera juice or aloe vera water is a very cleansing beverage and also cools the body. Mangoes and coconuts are a popular item as well. Coconuts and coconut water pacifies pitta too.
Watermelon is a good diuretic, and it is a good cooling fruit, however, people of kapha constitutions should not consume too much because it is primarily water. This could increase kapha and also vata constitutions. Vata types should be careful to not consume too much fruit because of the fact that fruit is vata in nature.
Vegetables are always so fresh in taste and make the body feel alive and cleansed. Eating vegetables in its raw natural form may be harsh on digestive systems and it is encouraged to steam and/or lightly roast or sauté the vegetables before serving. Steaming vegetables is a good way to cook them in the summer months. There is no oil involved and it is a very light way of preparing the vegetables.
You may feel a craving to drink copious amounts of cold water during the hot months also, but it is important to understand that cold water is actually no good to drink because it can slow the metabolism and digestion. Cold temperatures constrict the vessels and slow down systems. Even when you are in hotter environments, it is encouraged to consume room temperature drinks and even warm/hot water to purify and cleanse the body. 


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