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Thursday 20 January 2011

Homeopathy as the most common alternative medicine, works in the treatment of diabetic patients.

Homeopathic medicine is based on several principles. The cornerstone principle is the law of similars. Like cures like. Homeopathic remedies are substances which enhance our immune system and respect the wisdom of body for self healing, instead of suppressing valuable symptoms which are of great importance to the diagnosis and self healing processes. 
Unfortunately nearly all conventional medicines suppress these symptoms and deepen them and push them to deeper and more vital organs or systems. For example almost all dermatological symptoms are very precious signs of deeper organ problems. Homeopaths believe these symptoms should be considered along with other mental and physical symptoms of patients to come to an individual and constitutional remedy.As far as the dermatological symptoms are present we should not think complete cure has been achieved. So in chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus which is a syndrome and not just a single disorder, first we do a thorough interview with the patient and then change the symptoms to rubrics. In the next step we repertorize these rubrics(symptoms in homeopathy) by internationally applied softwares. One of them is called “Radar”. After repertorizing (selected rubrics lead us to appropriate remedy), proper remedy is chosen, prescribed and taken by patient. In the following paragraphs you may read one of the articles , published in a popular homeopathic web site called””. INTRODUCTION: Type 1 (formerly Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus), usually juvenile onset but may occur at any age. Cause: Insulin deficiency due to selective destruction of secreting pancreatic beta cells. Patients need Insulin and are prone to ketoacidosis and weight loss. It is associated with other auto immune diseases (> 90% carry HLADR 3 and/or DR4). Analysis of the patient: A 13 yr old school girl suffering from this disease for 8 years was referred to me. Her parents were both nurses and very worried about their daughter’s condition. She looked very alert though uncooperative. Spells of nightly hypoglycemia, her disappointment of improvement had led her to disregarding her diabetic diet and testing her FBS regularly. The high HA1c of 10 and FBS of 230 mg/dl revealed the family’s poor control. She used to reproach her brothers before other people and was aggressive towards them, when she got angry. A cramped state especially during sleep was another symptom. After taking the case, Nux vomica was found to be the most similar remedy. So 20 drops of Nux-v. 30c in liquid form, was prescribed for the patient and taken by her. Report of course of treatment: After prescribing the remedy, her Insulin was continued and not tapered, until her FBS decreased from 230 mg/dl to the normal range of 110 mg/dl after 60 days of taking the remedy. Of course she had experienced an aggravation ( a good sign of proper choice of remedy) of her blood sugar which had risen to 290 mg/dl after 3 days of taking the first dose of Nux-v. Thereafter it began to decrease, coming close to the normal range of 110mg/dl after about 2 months on the 13th of December 2008. Her remedy was repeated every other day after potentizing(vigorous shaking of remedy increases its power ). I started to decrease her Insulin gradually, along with strictly monitoring her FBS and evening BS for about 3 more months. Of course I talked to her and suggested her to try to follow her diabetic and homeopathic diets, too. Her second remedy was Sulph according to her new situation after taking Nux-v (Homeopathic remedies are produced on the basis of dilution instead of highly concentrated drugs in conventional medicine which can cause serious unwanted symptoms and disorders). Fortunately she helped me by following her diets. She had become more energetic and more hopeful so she showed good cooperation. After one year of treatment, I followed up the case and asked about her condition and her feelings. She was happy and content with her treatment. She had not experienced hypoglycemic spells after taking Sulph, which used to be one of her main problems during sleep. Her last tests results have been: FBS of 135mg/dl, HA1c of 8 and blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg. They were all happy about her significant healing and cure. She is taking 10 units of NPH Insulin in mornings and 4 in the afternoon. i.e. 4 units have been tapered during the last year and a decrease of 95 mg/dl has been earned. 
CONCLUSION: The results of this case report, as an observational study, reveal multi- potential characteristics and capabilities of the prescribed homeopathic remedies, Nux-vomica. and Sulphur. They not only decreased the patient’s FBS and HbA1c but also improved her mental situation especially her disappointment altered to being hopeful, as well as some physical symptoms like cramped state.

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