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Thursday 10 February 2011

How to Speed Up Metabolism

Metabolism is the name of the process your body goes through to turn the things we eat into energy. Many ways exist to increase your metabolism without using prescription drugs or expensive treatments. Homeopathy has been used to remedy health conditions for thousands of years, treating ailments from the common cold to arthritis. Several options for homeopathic ways to speed up your metabolism are as simple as making a trip to your local grocer or health food store. Talk with your doctor before beginning any homeopathic treatment.

Drink Green Tea

 The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that green tea contains a substance known as polyphenols, which is a type of antioxidant. This antioxidant is responsible for an increase in metabolism. Drinking two to three cups of high quality, loose-leaf green tea may help give your immune system the boost you're looking for.

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is medium-chain fatty acid, which may be beneficial to your thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a small organ located just underneath the voice-box that is responsible for regulating your metabolism. The type of fat in coconut oil is used directly by the liver, rather than being stored elsewhere in your body, which makes the energy you need easily accessible. Replacing your regular cooking oil with coconut oil is sufficient to enjoy its benefits. You can also take 2 tbsp. of pure coconut oil daily for the same effect.

Take Kelp Supplements

The marine vegetable kelp also contains traces of natural hormones that effect the thyroid gland in a positive way. Kelp also contains iodine, an important nutrient the body needs. The combined effect of the hormones and iodine have the potential to increase your basal metabolic rate. Kelp supplements can be purchased online, or through your local vitamin shop.

Exercise Frequently

Exercise is the most natural way to increase your metabolism. The more exercise you get, the harder your metabolism works to keep up with the rest of your body. This is a good thing that will train your metabolism to continue at a higher pace. Even small amounts of exercise a day can help your boost your metabolism.


It is important to speak with a qualified health professional before changing your diet or exercise routine, as well as starting a new vitamin or herb regimen. If you suspect you have a slower than usual metabolism, or that you may be experiencing thyroid complications, talk to your doctor right away.



1 comment:

  1. I certainly agree that natural thyroid supplements are big help. I started to feel better in about three days after starting
    desiccated thyroid .


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