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Tuesday 21 December 2010

Problems Related with Sex and their Ayurvedic Solutions

According to Ayurveda, sex is a natural biological drive. Any healthy person who is depriving oneself out of sex may throw him or her out of balance, especially in the case of female sexual pleasure. One of the most essential aspects of a healthy life in this age of stress, competition, and busy lives is sex. It is thus essential that both the partners attain maximum pleasure during sex. Sexual intercourse includes the involvement of all the five senses: sound, sight, smell, touch and taste. According to Ayurveda, love making is an union of body, mind and soul, which also acts as an emotional bond between husband and wife and of course culmination of marriage. Female sexual problems prevent her from experiencing pleasure from sexual activity which play a major role in breakups, divorces and extra marital affairs.
Sexual Problems Faced by Females
Pain during intercourse, Lack of desire, Inability to reach sexual climax, Dryness in vaginal area etc. are some of the sexual problems faced by females
There are many factors leading to sexual problems in women like medical problems, physical and psychological reasons, lifestyle and diet. Sometimes, with age, it is difficult to achieve sexual arousal. Many a times, a woman has hundreds of other thoughts in her mind like getting up early in the morning, packing lunch for husband and kids, doing laundry , preparing for a board meeting etc. At the end of the day, it is very natural that she is too tired to awaken the sexual creature that lies within.
Ayurvedic Tips for Female Sexual Pleasure
Shatavari Healing benefits of Shatavari are very effective on the female sexual related problems. Shatavari or Asparagus racemosus helps in reducing or preventing the women's problems related to menstrual cycles. It also balances the female hormonal system, besides decreasing the inflammation of female sexual organsand increasing libido. This Indian herb also helps in fighting morning sickness, tiredness, in regulating ovulation and also other female problems related to infertility, leucorrhea etc. Women facing the problems of hot flashes should try combination of Shatavari and Kama Duba. The herb Shatavari helps in balancing "Pitta dosha".
Exercise According to Ayurveda, an effective way for a woman to enhance her sexual pleasure is by exercising regularly. She should devote at least 1 hour everyday for exercise, jogging, walking etc.
Diet Women having sexual problems should avoid refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. She should have lean meats, chicken, fish, and a lot of vegetables. She should have more full-fat dairy products. Fresh juice is also very helpful. She should have regular intake of vitamins.
Night Time for Sex Sex is an integral part of our daily habits (Dinacharya). That is why, Ayurveda recommends two hours after dinner time as the perfect time for intimacy. This is the kapha time.
Vajikarna This is one of the eight disciplines of Ayurveda. It deals with maintenance of vitality. Vajikarana is the science dealing with the promotion of sexual health. Women seek rejuvenation mainly to retain their youthful beauty and attraction. This can be attained by the concept of Rasayana (rejuvenation).
Chocolate It is a well accepted fact that chocolate which contains phenethylamine, a nutrient that enhances mood is very helpful in sexual activity. Artichokes, like wine, is also good for ladies. Though chocolates and wine have nothing to do with Ayurveda, yet this is an essential home remedy for increasing sexual pleasure.
Popular Ayurvedic Medicines
  • Shatavari guggula
  • Narasimha rasayan
  • Lakshmanarishta
  • Asokarishta etc.
These are some  popular ayurvedic preparation to treat female sexual problems.


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